Paul Jenkin - Empowerment Coach & Somatic Facilitator

Paul is a Certified Life Coach and Somatic Bodywork Practitioner, with 26 years in alternative healing and personal development, along with over a decade of international business experience.

Always looking for ways to help others with their well-being, he has recently re-established his coaching & mentoring business to support soulpreneurs all over the world to become empowered and manifest the life of their dreams.

Read on for Paul’s full professional journey and credentials.

The long story short is, I have been in the self development space for over 2.5 decades and this journey, although not always easy, is something I value above most other things in my life.

Being a charismatic leader is part of my Aries rising nature (along with other intense astrological placements such as Capricorn Sun), so I love encouraging others to break free from self-imposed limits and help them live up to their full potential.

I’m a bit of a social justice warrior and for as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to bring change to the world!

Actually I couldn’t wait to get out of school, so I went and studied to become a Chef at a very early age and had a lot of responsibility was placed on my shoulders from the get go. I naturally stepped into many leadership roles, such as Head Chef and Sous Chef positions in restaurants and cafes all around Melbourne.

I managed small and large teams and on several occasions was an integral part of managing the over-all businesses, leading to a successful career of 17 years in the hospitality industry.

However, my healing journey and my professional life within the personal development space all started for me as a teenager because I’d had a pretty rough upbringing… I had experienced abuse and bullying on a daily basis, and much of my early life felt like relentless torment. This also included my parents divorcing..

I was jaded and angry, and although I was generally happy (“Eternal Optimist” here), when the opportunity came about to participate in a powerful, weekend-long intensive holistic healing workshop with Phoenix Rising Aust., to release this pent up trauma, something resonated with me and I knew it was time.

This first leap into the world of group counseling and experiential somatic bodywork truly rocked my world and I emerged a different person. My family and I continued to partake in these immersive transformative workshops for many years, shedding old pain, healing old wounds, and ultimately coming together closer as a family with love and forgiveness in our hearts.

Because of the experiential nature of these intensives, we not only moved through our own healing, we also learned the processes first hand, while supporting and facilitating others through some of the most traumatic experiences imaginable.

It was amazing for me at such a young age to be exposed to trauma release work and support others through the depth of their pain, their emotional release and healing, witnessing a shift within them as the burdens of life were lifted.

This inspired me to embark on a life changing twelve month Holistic Counseling & Somatic Facilitation certification course in 1998 with the same organization under the guidance of Gayle & Graeme O’Brien – establishing my first official steps towards my goal of supporting others professionally.

I became very passionate about these beautiful methods of healing which led to the discovery of my life purpose...

During this 200hr course, we went deep! We learned about the human psyche, particularly Jungian psychology and many other “cutting-edge” teachings in the field of neuroscience, metaphysics and quantum mechanics, emotional intelligence and behavioral change.

I was taught a wide variety of healing modalities, including many advanced forms of holistic family counseling, primarily Gestalt Therapy, NLP & Timeline Therapy and Alternative Stress Management.

These were centered around bodywork therapies such as Somatic-Emotional Trauma Release, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Breathwork and Rebirthing, Polarity Therapy along with Quantum-Touch energy work.

While learning and applying these beautiful methods of healing I became very passionate leading to the discovery of my life purpose – working with people on a somatic level.

In 2002/03 through the guidance of Reiki Master Teacher Martine Salerno at the Blue Angel – I was attuned as a Second Degree Reiki Practitioner. Martine is a loving and dedicated, and one of the first to practice and teach Reiki in Australia, with direct lineage to Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki.

While learning and applying these beautiful methods of healing I became very passionate leading to the discovery of my life purpose – working with people on a somatic level.

In 2002/03 through the guidance of Reiki Master Teacher Martine Salerno at the Blue Angel – I was attuned as a Second Degree Reiki Practitioner. Martine is a loving and dedicated, and one of the first to practice and teach Reiki in Australia, with direct lineage to Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki.

Then in early 2003 I moved interstate and underwent extensive apprenticeship style training under the instruction of esteemed Physical Therapist/Remedial Masseur, (the late) Trevor Kendall.

Learning and applying many advanced Sports/Remedial techniques including specialized Soft-tissue Manipulation (Lester Cox), Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Facilitated Stretching/Muscle Energy techniques and skills necessary for treating a wide range of physical issues.

Arcana Healing & Beyond..

Then in early 2003 I moved interstate and underwent extensive apprenticeship style training under the instruction of esteemed Physical Therapist/Remedial Masseur, (the late) Trevor Kendall.

Learning and applying many advanced Sports/Remedial techniques including specialized Soft-tissue Manipulation (Lester Cox), Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Facilitated Stretching/Muscle Energy techniques and skills necessary for treating a wide range of physical issues.

I also had the opportunity to study and become a Mark Rolton ‘Property Options’ graduate in 2009, (and later in 2017 Dymphna Boholt’s ‘I Love Real Estate’ graduate), because not only do I love self improvement and entrepreneurship, I also love investment and wealth creation strategies.

I have I have literally invested 10’s of thousands of dollars and thousands of hours along my self-development, self-sovereignty, investment, business and online marketing strategy journey!

These events and courses not only expanded my understanding of human psychology and peak performance, helped me establish a successful mind-set, and a solid foundation for my entrepreneurial and investment spirit to flourish – most of all it’s sparked my passion for coaching and somatic healing.

arcanumLifeCoaching &

"Powerful Manifestation Secrets"

I decided to study to become certified as a Life Coach around the end of 2009, along with further NLP and a basic hypnosis course to help people to create rapid change.

Along with this I’ve studied EFT tapping protocols, Law of Attraction and guided meditation manifestation techniques, Theta Healing and ‘The Release Technique’ and much more.

I launched ‘arcanumLifeCoaching‘ in 2010 and for the next few years focused on life coaching, published many blog articles at ‘arcanumInsights‘ and a regular personal development e-zine.

Here’s a throwback for you, check out my old abandoned YouTube channel for a laugh!

I also became a self-published author… My first book ‘Powerful Manifestation Secrets – Simple ways to attain your desires with the Law of Attraction’ – accompanied by the ’21-Day Success Workbook’ package, was a collection of all my best wisdom and techniques I put together at that time to help people to transform their lives.. I’m currently expanding this offering into a full online video course!

Over the years I have delved into many interests, including health and nutrition, organics and sustainability, martial arts, astrology, numerology, tarot, crystal healing and sacred geometry. I also love sound healing and play the didgeridoo in a meditative healing style and I would eventually love to host sound meditation baths.

In 2009 I launched an urban-wear brand ‘FreQ528 ~ love vibration clothing’ dedicated to spreading the miraculous healing potential of the Solfeggio Healing Frequencies, particularly love frequency 528Hz.

I’ve been practicing the ancient Hawaiian healing and forgiveness practice Ho’oponopono consistently now for 15 years, and for the past 18 months I have been practicing a Buddhist chanting ritual, ‘Nam Myoho Renge Kyo’ almost every day as part of my own spiritual practices.

Fairfield Massage Therapy

Wanting to get hands on again, and with my passion for bodywork reignited, in 2013/14 I went on to become a qualified Therapeutic Massage Therapist at the world renowned Melbourne Institute of Massage Therapy.

Learning therapeutic and spiritual massage, reflexology and acupressure, lymphatic drainage and aromatherapy from wonderful teachers with successful practices.

Opening ‘Fairfield Massage Therapy‘ in late 2014, quickly becoming a popular massage practice nested in the heart of Fairfield, Melbourne – offering Therapeutic & Remedial Massage and Bodywork, alongside my Myotherapist colleague.

Wanting to further my understanding of Soft-tissue Manipulation techniques to help people dealing with chronic pain, I went directly to Lester Cox and his senior instructors to became a certified Muscular Corrective Therapist (MCT).

I’m very fortunate to have received Lester’s personal attention in honing my skills as a Remedial Bodyworker.

2017 marks the completion of the Dip. of Remedial Massage at MIMT, and I was again privileged to have been instructed by highly respected professionals who’ve worked at elite international level, expanding my anatomy knowledge and my understanding of remedial assessment and treatment protocols.

During my training at MIMT I had the opportunity to perform treatments with professional athletes, learning to prevent, treat and manage injuries with some of the best Sports Therapists in Melbourne – becoming a recognized provider along-side my peers in the profession.

I continued to manage and grow Fairfield Massage Therapy successfully for a total of 7 years, with hundreds of loving clients who I had the honor of serving.

Then the pandemic hit. We closed permanently due to the shutdowns in February 2022, which was a sad loss.

You can read numerous 5-star reviews here..

However with endings always comes new beginnings..

I continued to manage and grow Fairfield Massage Therapy successfully for a total of 7 years, with hundreds of loving clients who I had the honor of serving.

Then the pandemic hit. We closed permanently due to the shutdowns in February 2022, which was a sad loss.

You can read numerous 5-star reviews here..

However with endings always comes new beginnings..


Thankfully, in October 2019, I acquired ownership of ‘Gravotonics‘ – the original Yoga Swing manufactures based in Bali, with online sales all around the world.

Although I miss my massage clients, this carried me through and has allowed me to live a location independent lifestyle.

We’ve recently teamed up with another fantastic company in Bali and launching a brand new design in September!

We’re also planning stages to host our next Aerial Yoga Retreats and Teacher Trainings in Bali throughout 2025..

Paul Jenkin Coaching

That brings me to introducing my primary focus..

Now I have reached a point where I can dedicate time to helping people through online coaching services, bringing together all that I have learned and

experienced so far..

My core packages, ‘Powerful Manifestation (LOA) Coaching‘ and ‘The Modern Emperor Elite Mentoring‘ – along with the many resources on offer, I aim to assist you in letting go of the baggage holding you back, and master your manifestation abilities to confidently move towards living YOUR best life!

I am also currently filming and putting together a range of fantastic courses online, including: ‘Lightworker’s Awakening Course‘ to teach you how to bend reality toward peace, and ‘Ultimate Success Hacks‘ to empower soulpreneurs and give them that 1% edge.

I’m writing a new book ‘Heartfelt Manifestation‘ to share my insights about the heart-mind connection and how to manifest a beautiful life from the heart.

This will be released soon along with the launch of our monthly ‘InsightsRadio‘ personal development podcast where we will discuss various topics and host expert interviews.. Stay Tuned!!


  • Cert. II Hospitality, Holmesglen Institute of TAFE, 1998

  • Holistic Counseling & Somatic Facilitator Certification 200hr , Phoenix Rising Seminars, 1998

  • Cert. III Commercial Cookery, Box Hill Institute of TAFE, ’99/’00/’01

  • Reiki I & II Practitioner Certification, Blue Angel Reiki Centre, 2002/’03

  • Adv. Diploma of Life Coaching, Advanced Life Coaching Institute, 2010

  • Master Life Coach Certification, American Union of NLP (AUNLP), 2011

  • NLP Practitioner Certification, American University of NLP (AUNLP), 2011

  • Cert. IV Hospitality & Events Planning, William Angliss Institute, 2013

  • Cert. IV Therapeutic Massage Therapy, Melbourne Institute of Massage Therapy (MIMT), 2013/’14

  • Muscular Corrective Therapy Certification, Lester Cox, 2015

  • Dip. Remedial Massage Therapy, (MIMT), 2016/’17 – Graduated with honors.

  • Law of Attraction Certification, Global Sciences Foundation, 2023

  • Ho’oponopono Practitioner Certification, Global Sciences Foundation, 2023

  • The Breakthrough System, Robbins Madanes Training, 2024

  • Hypno-Tapping Practitioner Course, Steve G. Jones Training, Current

  • Ericksonian Hypnosis Practitioner Certification, Global Sciences Foundation, Current

  • Expert Coach Certification, Ed J C Smith Training, Current

Professional Memberships

With well over two decades of experience supporting people in group settings and one-to-one as a somoto-emotional facilitator, massage therapist, counselor and coach – dealing with a full spectrum of emotional and physical health issues, peak performance and business strategy – you know you’re in good hands…

Somatic Awakening Retreats

Lastly, I’d like to mention I aim to facilitate emotional bodywork ‘Somatic Awakening Retreats‘ in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

The life coaching and somatic bodywork is truly amazing in combination and can radically change your life.

We are in the planning stages of our first 10-day retreat for mid 2025 and I would love you to join us for these transformational healing experiences 🙂

“arcanum”, pronounced [ark·an·um] means, “a profound secret or mystery, carefully hidden knowledge, known only to initiates”, and “the secret of life; a great elixir or remedy (sought by the alchemists).” © 2024. Paul Jenkin Coaching. - All Rights Reserved.